Sunday Afternoons in Serralunga

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Sunday is the longest day of the week in our small corner of Italy. Shops are closed.  Friends spend time with their families. Sunday lunch in Piemonte is often a long, drawn-out eating extravaganza that keeps you full until the following day.

While we’ve had more than our share of these long gluttonous meals, the thought of spending hours in a restaurant on a sunny Sunday afternoon is too claustrophobic.  John likes to ride his bike during lunchtime as the roads are virtually deserted.  He sends me a text message with his destination and estimated arrival time.

One our favorite places is Centro Storico in Serralunga. They don’t care how much or little you eat or drink, the menu is simple yet delicious and changes often.  Their extensive wine list has great choices from the region, but what makes it appealing for many locals is the array of wines from Champagne and other regions. Alessio Cighetti runs the wine service and the impressive sliced meat and cheese counter while his wife Stefana and her mother Silvana do their magic in their small kitchen above the wine bar.

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